Tuesday 25 September 2012

We came 11th!

So our entry was a complete success, even though it was entirely unfinished, we still managed to come 11th out of 400 entries. Here's some of the art I made:

Thursday 23 August 2012

Ludum Dare is coming!!

My design of Gollum after having just read 'The Hobbit'
This thing (a logo for a freelance operation I'm thinking of setting up while I don't have a job)

And me and my bro Joseph are gearing up for ludum dare 24! YEEAAH, we're going to win this time, I can feel it. Here's a test game we made to scare the competition with our brilliance. (and also to test our newly designed game engine)

Thursday 12 July 2012

Saturday 23 June 2012

These are storyboards from a short film I have been working on involving the Biker character in the post below. Enjoy!